
 Dear Parents!

All parents are experiencing difficult education decisions during this uncertain time.

In our support for the education of all students, You may want to consider this proven in-home ‘Learning’ therapy for your children and family overall.

What this therapy provides for all students and family

SensoSphere color light therapy has proven to be highly effective for providing learning energy, demonstrated in our many classroom Case Studies as articulated by ‘Special Education’ teachers. It is also ideal for in-home working parents. This therapy provides a therapy learning aid for both students' academic progress and adults coping with their daily work assignments. 

It is also very beneficial for all family members for stress relief and provides clinically proven non-invasive pain relief for those suffering.

SensoSphere provides seven light therapy modes plus three control options, including a free iOS or Android APP available as SensoSphere in your App store.

For a detailed description of all the features, refer to User’s Manual

Classroom Case Studies’ and ‘parent excerpts’ are also available to view.