Our Story:

I have been asked numerous times about the origins of my company. I decided that it was time to write about my history and how I became passionate about this technology.

I have a long history working in high technology companies that include Motorola, Philips, and Texas Instruments. During this time, I enjoyed interfacing and working with Anadi Martel servicing his requirement for advanced Led technology. Our relationship grew over the many years as continued support for his needs.  I also experienced many of his product demonstrations with great interest. In 2014, I intended to retire once again. I am an active individual, and therefore retirement did not appeal to me and still does not. That year and several conversations with Anadi led to a license agreement that included manufacturing and marketing one of his products.

I started my company back in 2014, and I have personally been using the therapy product since then and involved with many customers on their usage. Those include parents, special education teachers, health professionals, many senior citizens, meditation and spa owners. My personal use has made me stronger in cognitive abilities for learning and stress relief during these difficult times.

My passion has grown over this time. However, there was one particular time in 2015 that made me very aware of the benefits of this therapy technology. In April 2015, my wife and I experienced a heartbreaking situation in the departure of my mother-in-law. She endured and was stricken with colon cancer and severe pain from radiation and chemo treatment. I witnessed the therapy lamp providing her comfort for her remaining days before entering her to hospital care. Her name is Mary, and we miss her dearly. - Tom Demyk – President of Demyk Lightmod Products Inc., CEO Engineering, Manufacturing and Marketing


Light Modulation, as used in SensoSphere, has shown significant correlation to achieving deeper relaxation, enhanced alertness and reduced mood disturbance. These are the principal factors displayed in Clinical Trial Results and are critical to the therapeutic benefits of this product technology


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